Five years ago, a mysterious electronic duo named Sym Fera emerged seemingly out of nowhere on the State of the Art Records label. Their ethereal, evocative music was soon placed...
Read MoreKISS frontman Paul Stanley talks face-painting, oil-painting, and much, much more in this wide-ranging conversation....
Read MoreAs Simmons looks ahead to his art event taking place in one of America’s biggest tourist destinations, Las Vegas, the conversation of course turns to the subject of vaccinations, masks,...
Read MoreForty Halloweens ago, members of the KISS Army across the nation gathered around their rabbit-eared TV sets for what was supposed to be the television event of the year. It...
Read MoreCasual KISS fans might be surprised to learn that Gene Simmons co-wrote two tracks on former KISS guitarist Ace Frehley’s new solo album, Spaceman (“Without You I’m Nothing” and “Your...
Read MoreNowadays, celebrities going makeup-free for the camera lens is an everyday Instagram occurrence. But 35 years ago, when greasepainted rock gods KISS bared their faces on live television, it was...
Read MoreSitting side by side at X Japan founder Yoshiki Hayashi’s Los Angeles recording studio to discuss the new X Japan rockumentary We Are X, Yoshiki and KISS bassist/mouthpiece Gene Simmons don’t...
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