First, the good news: My “The Day After” cohost Jeffery Austin’s longstanding legacy remains intact. While he can no longer lay claim to being the only Team Gwen contestant to make it to the top four on The Voice, his record has not been broken, since this season’s Gwen Stefani-coached Rose Short only got to fourth place on this week’s finale.
However, the bad news is, literally THE dullest Voice contestant of Season 17, Team Kelly’s generic country bro Jake Hoot, won instead, when literally anyone in the running — Rose, Team Blake’s blues-rocker Ricky Duran (who came in second), or especially Team Legend’s powerhouse Katie Kadan (a disappointing third) — would have been a better option. Oh well.
Of course, Jeffery and I also discuss this week’s Masked Singer finale, on which another famous fourth-placer, American Idol‘s Chris “The Rottweiler” Daughtry, was also robbed. (No disrespect to Wayne “The Fox” Brady, a worthy contender.)
While both shows’ results didn’t also pan out how we wanted, we had a great time this fall watching and gabbing about them all season long. And we will be back in spring 2020 to talk The Voice Season 18 with Nick Jonas, American Idol Season 18 (hey, both series have finally caught up to each other numerically!), The Masked Singer Season 3 with even “bigger celebrities,” and various iterations of RuPaul’s Drag Race (U.K., All-Stars, Celebrity… hell, we’d even talk about Drag U if Logo brought it back).
Special thanks to our Season 6 American Idol pals (and recent The Big Stage musical guests!) Blake Lewis and Brandon Rogers for our funky theme song. And, if you prefer the written word, check out my Voice, Drag Race, Amercian Idol, Songland, and Masked Singer articles on Yahoo Entertainment here.